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Wineskins Marketplace

We just started a new forum on site called the Wineskins Marketplace. The goal is to create a space for the buying, selling and trading of books and materials related to faith, NT & OT studies, ministry, and related fields. I have posted a few things just to get the ball rolling but the goal is not to make this a place for me to sell my extra books but for you to have an outlet to to buy or sell books you are interested in (or no longer interested in :) ). When you have a minute give it a look. It will become a greater and greater tool the more you are able to utilize it.At the bottom of the page, if you are logged in, you will see an area where you can post to the marketplace. You can read all the posting guidelines here.I hope this is a blessing to our readers and a place where we can engage with each other in a way that is mutually beneficial.Blessings,Matt