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What is a Strong Woman?

A strong woman feeds the hungry, gives to the needy, and visits the sick and imprisoned even when it’s unpopular and uncomfortable.She accepts her body, her age, and her shortcomings with dignity and gives herself permission not to be perfect.She speaks, tweets, texts, and posts words of grace from her pulpits and playgrounds knowing that words matter and people are listening.She knows that building each other up is vital and eternal.She realizes that the older she gets, the less she knows and she’s ok with that.She has learned that love is a choice filled with action and the more difficult it is to give, the better it is for her and those she loves.She’s a game changer and a trailblazer but above all, she is a peacemaker. But don’t be fooled, as a warrior of God, she will fight injustice, oppression, apathy, and hatred for the poor and marginalized. She’ll approach any action needed in a godly manner knowing she will be held accountable to the Creator.A strong woman handles her grief and fear gracefully and refuses to let either define her.She is a friend who will love you to your face and behind your back.Strong women know that strength doesn't always mean force. Sometimes it means silence.Strong women realize that even if we vote, love, look, protest, or worship differently, loving our neighbor doesn't come with conditions.Strong women know that our strength isn’t our own.I hope you have a lot of strong women in your life. I hope you mentor one. I hope you love one. I hope you are one.