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Ministry Resource: Free Curriculum

There is a resource on our site that gets used every single day by people all around the world - our Curriculum. It is free to download and you are welcome to print, email/share it, etc however you like.

I want to share a number with you a number that makes me very happy.


That is the number of pdf lesson series that have been downloaded!

Our goal is to make that number grow exponentially by doing three things, two of which require your help: 1) continuing to create and share more quality curriculum, 2) encouraging you to download it and 3) you sharing this information and links with people who you know who could benefit from it. Bible class teachers and group leaders around the country write their own curriculum and purchase curriculum These lessons will give them a head start on lesson prep or save them valuable resources by not having to purchase curriculum elsewhere.

You can find the lessons through the "Curriculum" dropdown menu and click on either Bible Class Curriculum or Small Group lessons. We will also be adding curriculum in the future in our ministry areas that will be specific to the ministries.

I hope you find these lessons helpful. Thank you for reading!