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February 2019 Theme - You Are Loved

No matter what you are going through or what you have done in your life - you are loved.

No matter who you have disappointed or who approves you - you are loved.

If you've goofed up big time...more than 100 times...1000 times - you are loved.

In spite of what anyone else in your life has told you differently - you are loved.

You are loved.

Unfortunately for many they never hear these words from another person. For others, they hear it but they don't believe it. They struggle to see themselves as someone who is indeed lovable.

The very same people we rely on to help us feel loved are just as flawed as we are. But the truth of how loved you are doesn't depend upon flawed people to express it - it is an incontrovertible, irrevocable, undeniable truth of God's created universe - that you are loved.

Let us be people who let others in on the secret - that the love we have for them isn't conditioned on what the world conditions it on - we love because they just are...and we do that because God showed us how to love like that because He loves like that too! Now that is good news!

Welcome to February, the month where we get to encourage each other in the love of Jesus!