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The Heinous Way Some Churches Fire Ministers

This is a sensitive topic. It is one that often goes unmentioned because no one is supposed to talk about it.

The eldership decides to fire the preacher and instead of firing the preacher, offers the preacher severance in exchange for a peaceful resignation. The preacher didn't want to quit the job...but it is resign or lose your severance.

The preacher is tasked with the dishonest role of breaking the news to the congregation that they have decided to move on to "greener pastures" but don't have anything lined up!

Whenever I see a minister say they are no longer ministering I PM or email them to make sure they are okay. Many of those times I hear, in private, that they were actually fired but had to resign in order to protect their family financially. It can take 6-9 months to find another ministry job and most ministers don't have that kind of cash lying around.

Can we call this what it is? Dishonest. Cruel. It's a total wimp out. Those in the position of authority who actually made the decision align everything to give themselves the easiest path undergo the least amount of scrutiny.

The fact we even know this happens is that someone had to "lie" to tell me because to tell was to jeopardize their severance.

This happens far more often than you know. It is a big elephant in the room in elder-minister relations.

What troubles me just as much is that in the majority of the cases I have known about there was never any effort made to remediate. The first time the minister hears there is a problem is them being forced to resign. Many were even told weeks before they were doing a good job...had a favorable job review!

This is just crazy. It is sinful. It has to stop. This is done by the most "mature" among us but it is absolutely spiritual abuse.

To find out what to do when your minister is fired you can find out here...